Print Creator

How to use App Relation in Print Creator

※This method for linking applications is unsupported by tech support. We appreciate your understanding.

App Relation is a function that allows records from various applications that fall under user-specified conditions, similar to Kintone’s related records view, to be displayed in the Print Creator form.
General steps to link an application with App Relation are as follows:

  • Create an application in Kintone with the records to link through App Relation
  • Set up the application to link it to Print Creator (Steps 1-4)
  • Set up the layout of the form (Steps 5-7)

First, create an application in Kintone to link to Print Creator with App Relation, then click “App Relation Settings” on the Print Creator home page.

  1. Click “Add App Relation”.
  2. Create a name for your relation in the “Relation Name” section, and then choose an Print Creator application from the pulldown menu as the “Relation base App”.
    This is the destination Print Creator application for the linked records.
  3. Insert the URL of the Kintone application to create an App Relation with in the “URL of Datasource App” field.
    Then set the conditions for the relationship between the “Joined field” (from the Datasource App) and the “Based field” (from the Relation base App).
    You may set multiple conditions with the + button and delete conditions with the x button.
  4. Choose the order to display records on the Print Creator form in the “Sort” section and then click “Save”. Multiple App Relations may be made for the same Print Creator form.
  5. From the “Edit Sheet Layout” view, choose the field type to display from the “App Relation” dropdown. Add into the form as desired.
  6. From the “App Relation” section on the left-hand sidebar, choose the appropriate App Relation. Then click “Save”.
  7. Clicking “Preview” now shows the chosen App Relation information on the form.